In 1994 the Neurological Foundation granted the university funds to purchase a -80 degree chest freezer, which became the cornerstone of the only human brain bank in New Zealand.
Since then, with funding from the Neurological Foundation, the Human Brain Bank has grown to several staff and multiple freezers with one of the most valuable and extensive collections of human brain tissue in the world. The brain tissue stored in the bank’s freezers provide vital clues in the study of neurological conditions and is a fundamental resource for the researchers working towards managing, treating and curing these conditions.
Learn more about the Brain Bank at brainbank.ac.nz

The bank has received more than 700 brains, encompassing nine different neurological conditions as well as control brains with no history of neurological disease, and brain tissue samples from over 300 donors who have had neurosurgical operations. May 2019 marked the 25th Anniversary of the Human Brain Bank, a quarter century of discovery.

We know the history of every brain we research thanks to our close relationships with the families, that’s only possible in a small country like New Zealand, and it means our tissue is in demand all over the world.

You can help us to make a difference by supporting the Neurological Foundation Human Brain Bank. A dedicated fund has been established for you to make a donation that will help fund the Human Brain Bank for years to come. You can make a donation online or call us toll free on 0508 272 467.

If you are interested in being a brain donor there is a special donor information pack available detailing the necessary procedures of bequeathing tissue to the Brain Bank. Request a pack by emailing brainbank@auckland.ac.nz or call 09 923 6072, alternatively visit brainbank.ac.nz/faq