In July and August 2021, Dr Sarah Schonberger, Rich Easton and our supporter relations specialists visited the four main centres with a Research Roadshow, talking to research staff and students about the Foundation and the grants that we offer. We were hosted by the University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct Christchurch and the University of Otago.

Our goal is to fund the best people doing the best research to provide the greatest impact for those with neurological conditions. It was very beneficial talking to people in person, answering their questions and giving them insight into crafting excellent grant applications.


The presentation included:

- an overview of the Foundation from CEO, Rich Easton

- a presentation by Sarah on the grants process, some historical data on applications and success rates, an overview of the online system, and tips for successful applications with a focus on early career researchers

- a question and answer time

- an introduction to the local donor relations specialist

You can Download the Slides here to refer to in the future or the Auckland roadshow is available for you to watch below.

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