How to Donate

Over the last 45 years, the Neurological Foundation has been able to fund life changing research due to the continued support of our members and supporters. Find out how you can help us by becoming a supporter today.

Be a part of the breakthrough

Over the last 45 years, the Neurological Foundation has been able to fund life changing research due to the continued support of our members and supporters.

The work of the many researchers and clinicians funded by the foundation has led to many ground-breaking discoveries into neurological conditions – thank you! With the ongoing help of our members and supporters like you, we can ensure continued funding for this work well into the future. We’re committed to finding treatments and cures for all neurological conditions so that one day New Zealanders like you can live free of these conditions.

Ways to donate

We accept donations in a range of ways - online banking, credit card, and cheque. We've put together information about your payment options for donations.

Leave a Gift in your Will

Leave a legacy of hope for the thousands of New Zealanders, and their families, whose lives are affected by neurological conditions. Find out more about leaving a Gift to the Neurological Foundation in your Will.

Donate in Cryptocurrency

Donating crypto is one of the most efficient ways for individuals to support causes that matter to them.

Help us make a difference today