Simple ways to stay socially connected

Staying social has been suggested to be beneficial for your brain’s health, not only in relation to an ageing brain but also beneficial for mental stability and wellbeing.

Staying social has been suggested to be beneficial for your brain’s health, not only in relation to an ageing brain but also beneficial for mental stability and wellbeing. One theory is that a strong social network facilitates new learning and helps manage stress. “Frequent social activity—face-to-face or even online—is a memory-enhancing form of brain exercise,” suggests Patrick A. Griffith, Professor of Clinical Medicine at SABA University. “It stimulates both the registration of new memories and the recall of older ones, especially when emotionally charged or culturally significant issues are discussed.”

A major public health study involving more than 116,000 people found that those with strong relationships had less cognitive decline and lived more active, pain-free lives without physical limitations.[1]

As you can see this is a crucial step in keeping your brain healthy and stave off decline in cognitive function, not only while in self-isolation but all the time. We have a great list of activities you can partake in with other people in New Zealand and all over the world.


Online Games: Mobile & Console

Online games are a fantastic way to meet new people with the online chat option available. You can play with friends you know or new people all over the world. You can play these games on your phone such as Scrabble Go (an online scrabble game where you can battle friends) or Houseparty (an online mobile game where you play games with groups of people via video call). Some console games are also available online and can easily be played with friends as long as they have the same game. live camera

You may not be able to travel abroad right now but you can definitely see the world! live camera offer’s ways to view different experiences across the globe like the Northern Lights in Manitoba, Canada. These links are live 24 hours and can be shared and watched with others at the same time. You can also share this with the children in your life and watch live with them.


Video Calls

Video calls are becoming more and more popular, and you might hear everyone talking about something called Zoom. This is a great way to keep in contact with friends and family members to physically see them, while also keeping your distance. Here’s a list of apps you can use to video call your friends, family and colleagues:

  • Zoom
  • Skype
  • Google Duo or Hangouts
  • Facebook Messenger
  • What’s App
  • Houseparty
  • Discord

There is an app for everyone, no matter your level of technical understanding, and they’re all here for you to use, for free to stay in contact with people.


Virtual Tours of Museums & Art Galleries

It’s date night and you’re not entirely sure another Netflix murder-mystery is really cutting it these days. Well, how about a virtual tour of a museum or art gallery! Google Arts & Culture have virtual tours of museums across the world and exhibitions of art that you can view right now. Take your spouse, partner, children or grandchildren on a tour of Louvre in France or National History Museum in England.



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