Chief Medical Advisor

The Chief Medical Advisor guides the Foundation in all clinical matters, ensuring medical accuracy in our communications. They advise the Scientific Advisory Committee on clinical aspects of funding applications and are part of the Personal Awards Committee for senior and clinical fellowships.

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The current Chief Medical Advisor is Dr Neil Anderson. Neil has been a consultant neurologist at Auckland City Hospital since 1987. After completing his neurology training, Neil became the first ever recipient of the Chapman Fellowship and was a Fellow in the Neurology Department at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Neil is deeply embedded in the Auckland medical fraternity, having previously been President of the Auckland Medical History Society. Neil was also called upon to eulogise pioneering neurologist Philip Wrightson (the first Chief Medical Advisor for the Foundation and for who the Wrightson Fellowship is named).

The role of Chief Medical Advisor is a prestigious position, with Neil only being the third person to fill the role. The previous Chief Medical Advisors were Dr Phillip Wrightson and Dr Jon Simcock.


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