A diagnosis can be life-changing. Whether it’s you or a loved one, the world will never look quite the same.
Since 1972, the Neurological Foundation has funded vital research aimed at reaching important milestones, one inchstone at a time.
Some of the amazing treatments available now are the result of work started decades ago. Breakthroughs take time — and ongoing investment. No matter the size of your donation, it's truly appreciated. Every gift adds up to something great. Together, we can turn the world around.
has been funded towards neurological research in the past year.
Each year the Foundation receives hundreds of requests to support neurological research. Requests for funding far outweigh what is funded each year, however thanks to our supporters we have been able to make a significant impact.
While the majority of our funds are directed to research, other parts of the Foundation's remit include education and raising awareness.
To enable the Foundation to run smoothly, and to continue to raise funds, we have dedicated Admin and Fundraising teams. Our costs for admin and fundraising are offset by the Foundation's income from investments, meaning that your donations can be directed primarily to research and education.

When a child is diagnosed with a rare genetic condition, families are given vital information about what the future may hold for the child, the family and any future siblings. It can also open up support networks, including Facebook groups for sharing experiences with others, and better access to therapy that could aid a child’s development.
The University of Otago team. Back left: Logan Dennis. Front left: Dr Sankalita Ray Das. Centre: A/Prof Louise Bicknell. Back Right: Tira McLachlan. Centre Right: Meghan Mulligan. Front right: Pragya Bradu.

Professor Bronwen Connor (right) is known internationally for pioneering a unique method to create brain cells in a lab using skin cells from people with neurological diseases. In 2022, she began a three-year project, supported by the Neurological Foundation, to use this technique to help solve a long-standing mystery about Huntington's disease (HD).
Dr Amy McCaughey-Chapman is an emerging neuroscientist working with Bronwen on the project, adding her expertise in cell programming – the step-by-step process of transforming live skin cells into brain cells.

Shakespeare called them the windows to the soul, but scientists believe our eyes – and more particularly, our tears – may also be windows to the brain. The Neurological Foundation has invested $307,444 in a two-year collaboration between researchers at the Universities of Canterbury, Otago and Auckland to discover if tears can be used as an early, non-invasive diagnostic tool for Parkinson’s disease.

Could a bioelectronic implant hold the key to treating spinal cord injury? Dr Bruce Harland is testing several promising regenerative treatments. “This exciting preclinical research was made possible through a Neurological Foundation project that allowed me to develop the use of this technology from basic science.”
We have a range of events happening throughout New Zealand and online. Check out what's coming up.

We would love your support to help us fund neurological research and education in New Zealand. We have put together a Community Fundraising Kit filled with tips, tricks and ideas which will help you put together a successful fundraising campaign.
All the latest news from the Neurological Foundation with research and researcher updates.